Welcome to Bilsington Therapeutic Stables

Are you struggling with; anxiety, depression, relationships or historic trauma and are looking for some help?

We offer an alternative to traditional Counselling with the benefit of beautiful calm surroundings. You can embrace the countryside whilst experiencing the benefits of the equine world with a qualified Counsellor.

We offer children, young people and adults the opportunity to be with and work with horses set within a therapeutic framework.

Horses make great partners in therapeutic work. Working with horses enables an imaginary communication bridge to be created, often used with young people where sitting in a traditional setting for therapy is too daunting or intimidating. Horses allow a window into the client’s world without the client having to recount traumatic stories.

It is an opportunity to take a risk, all be it a managed one, the horses chosen are chosen because of their temperaments, but there is always an inherent risk because a horse is always a horse.

It is an opportunity to touch and hug and hold, where this cannot be done necessarily with humans, what ever the circumstances, be abuse, or neglect or confusion. A chance to trust another to be exactly what they are supposed to be, a horse will always be a horse and do what a horse does, which includes ignoring people, walking off, etc. Clients can experience rejection, fear, uncomfortableness all in the safety of a relationship with a horse. We can experience and work with our feelings in relation to the horse.

Horses can help us to regulate ourselves and can be very helpful when working on anxiety and mood related issues.